

How to raise reputation of accounting profession?

How to raise reputation of accounting profession?

      We know accountant is as a person having special knowledge of financial inspection & of bookkeeping in business, commerce & other social-economical or governmental sectors, one of ancient profession has got highest prestige among other economical professions, but however which is losing its previous reputation. Accountant, who owns profession of accountants, has been proud in his profession, he was promoting in his position, & it became legal & credible guarantee for his well-being. By the way contents of journal-order system & corresponding financial statements, which had been conducted in the socialistic management was more appropriated to carrying out financial analysis without referring to another analytical data basis. In that time both of general ledger & financial statements had provided favorable opportunities for carrying out detailed analysis of human resource management, comprehensive calculations of product costs per unit, separating & clustering expenses into fixed & variable parts, supply & sufficiency of current assets complexly etc. Also codification of accounts ranged from 1 up to 99 detailed with sub-accounts had been gave tremendous possibilities to classify, group, allocate, cluster, accumulate, accumulate, summarize all data basis in any collaborated versions by means of leaning on applied mathematical approaches & statistical-mathematical tools. Proper conducting quarterly financial statement analysis was obligatory commitment both of director & chief accountant for state owned every entity in that time. But I would like to emphasize a lot of new understandings & progress resulted by market-oriented economy as: stock, shareholders capital, securities, bond, money time value, leasing, bankruptcy & solvency etc extended & enriched our economical scope of knowledge. Indeed hadn’t made tangible steps in innovation & improving of the methodology & rising of academic level on accountancy for last 40-50 years. Comparable review shows that majority contents & writing style of university textbooks on accountancy have long-winded explanation, bored learners, lack of new ideas & nor differences as for pith of the nature from other. Random sample expresses that people more respect tax inspectors than ordinary accountants & SPA owing to last one possesses less reputation as on skills & on academic knowledge among staffs, who has similar profession & engages the same job. For instance employers haven’t got assumption about necessity of accounting documentation, bookkeeping, financial statement analysis, & their economical profitability, therefore who welcomes tax inspectors & social insurance inspectors respectfully & obeys their advices. In some cases CPA training becomes as distribution of certificates in order to collect money for financing office building for corresponding institutions. Daily monotonous frequency in accounting procedure makes accountant’s job nonproductive & dreary, also computerized accountancy converts accountant into robot, whose activities similar to computer operator without free innovative thinking. Indeed accountants follow accounting guide, they couldn’t get free from standardized obsolescence & limited thinking, & they don’t motivate to initiate new ideas. Explain, why aren’t give  expected results & can’t realize numerous government & foreign supported projects & programs in the field of social–economics, including poverty reduction, smokeless felt ger districts, improving finance & accountancy, maybe these questions mainly were decided beyond a curtain through influential, wealthy or friends connections without participation of targeted groups, oppositions & representatives from civil society organizations. A lot of organs & institutions manage financial & accounting activities as: Ministry of finance, institute of certified public accountants, institute of managerial accountants, & also many specialized academies, which mainly engages translating an overseas manuals, international accounting & auditing standards, granting & distributing CPA certificates, organizing profitable workshops for them, traveling to overseas training, & at the end of each year bosses elevate each others to a honor rank, & doctor’s or professor’s academic degrees.  We don’t see practicable textbook, affordable methodology, rendered professional assistance, public discussion, which introduced in line of above cited organizations for last decade. Let’s explain, what is mean innovation in accountancy, it’s a new creative or improved method, idea in thinking of financial inspection & bookkeeping, which gives the initiator who first introduces it an advantage over his competitors that may amount to a temporary monopoly. I think as independent researcher, abstracts of accountancy should be innovated, improved & renewed with new ideas in accordance dynamic social-economical development on the same level & time. At present many accountants, who familiar with old accounting system conducts & organizes accountancy in combination with market-oriented preparing of financial statements. Accounting standards with wooden change led accountants to spoon–fed thinking, who doesn’t create elementary accounting questions himself/herself due to they used to rely on handouts directives from above. Accountancy without internal motivation & nor stimulation reflects on development & improving of accounting methods in future badly. Some observations illustrate that doctors mainly had been defended science-degree on thesis of accounting history or introducing oversea financial & accounting practices into mother country’s business etc. Our researching group prefers lecturing which really based on ourselves research results & textbooks written by us, actually we don’t like copying others' papers without additional developments & creating. Hence we have published about 10 textbooks & researching brochures with which 200 printer’s sheets, including rather than 40 modern new ideas related to financial accounting, cost & managerial accounting, financial statement analyzing based on linear algebra, differential transformation, derivative, logarithmic conversion, plane analytical geometry, stepwise elimination of variables, multiple correlation equations, discriminate analysis & theory probability (Bayes׳ theorem) etc. The social–economical events mainly appear via statistical dependence associated with random, which requires an application of mathematical tools in wide ranges. For instance, recommendable to possess understanding of multiple discriminant score analysis, if researchers want to identify solvency & bankruptcy risk of corporations by using Edward I Altman’s Zeta score or methodology of multiple regression analysis. Herein practicable to calculate similar parameters of Zeta score appropriated to specific development conditions of economics sectors in Mongolia. We consider that one of perspective directions in innovations is accounting outsourcing. We are as initiator & forerunner willing to share our researching achievements with others through providing knowledge outsourcing service in addition to that we have composed of intelligent, skilled & motivated team, which differs from others with created & developed ourselves unique & interesting methods on financial analyzing & accounting modeling. Undoubtedly, our researching group has blazed new trails for future innovation of financial analyzing & accounting modeling based on integrated knowledge. We as pioneers on new development direction of modern accountancy really want to renew & restore established understanding of traditional financial analyzing, labor-consuming &  unproductive accountancy. Should take a leaf out of renowned & well-known Google communication’s book, indeed its extraordinary searching system is great & unique benchmark in dynamic intellectual innovation. But however commenced initiative in the field of accounting outsourcing from below can’t proper support from higher organs of power so far. Meanwhile we observed that leavers of high school, who has collected low scores at entrance exams in basic subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, native language, foreign languages & optional skills etc make one’s choice of a calling from following vocation: as humanitarian, linguistic, accountancy, finance, & law in order to enroll at the private owned higher education establishments. In fact this badly condition has connected with poor prestige of financial & accounting leadership organizations over the country. Enrolling to the state owned universities or their local branches are the paradise’s dream for all leavers of high school, indeed they are very difficult mountain pass as for parents, who live at poor or low life standard. As parents as well as school leavers think of pull wires to assist getting an invitation to study at accredited state universities in accordance with their desired vocation. Finally, out of college practical training for graduates worries everybody as lack of experience & long period on probation for trainees to get skills themselves cause dissatisfaction among the employers’ organizations. Hence rational combination of pragmatic training with knowledge-based education is becoming one of key pending issue in the dynamic renewing of accountancy.  





. Сэтгэгдэл бичих . Найздаа илгээх


Миний тухай

It's kind of researching financial analyzing & accounting modeling.

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. TS.Songuuli
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