

T. Yondon's new publications for September 2012 ,& T.Yondon’s family team continues its new comprehensive ideas & innovations

The news of publications for September 2012


Issued date


T.Yondons team: Mathematical approach on break-even point analysis

27-th September 2012


The brief understanding of dispersion analysis

27-th September 2012


T.Yondons analyzing method of gross & marginal income

13-rd September 2012


The elementary abstract of correlation analysis

5-th September 2012


Our researching team has released next publication serial consisted of 4 articles[1]
in September 2012, which showed in below cited table1. Issuing free publications are indeed invaluable & humanitarian investments to others, but however these could be supported by people, who possesses as knowledge as well as practical experiences in educating & researching area.                                                                Table1

            Herein we want to recommend you to take into attention to an articles titled T.Yondons analyzing method of gross & marginal income & T.Yondons team: Mathematical approach on break-even point analysis herewith we have expressed how authors solved rather difficult problems simply & uniquely via uncommon methodology based applied mathematical approaches, which created by authors & introduced  into practical application at higher education organizations for financial & accounting specialties.  Obviously creating & spreading new ideas on mathematical modeling of economics, statistics, finance, wage & accountancy etc by independent researchers at their personal financial sources & intellectual skills are hard & puzzle problems. But however our researching team constancy had continued researching activities & has opened new directions on financial analyzing & analytical accountancy, & also improved & extended their contents & scope to a marked degree. In scope of above mentioned  works we have created & introduced into practical application at higher education system more than 50 mathematical modeling & issued by 10 modern textbooks & brochures in around 170 printer’s sheets, contents of which covers researching new ideas, improvements & innovations, created & developed with our independent team personally. We are kindly ask all people, who would like to introduce with extremely unusual methods discovered with our little researching team please visit under blog titles “”; ”” also Google;, & yondon tunteg| Linked in communication etc.

                                                              Новые публикации


Дата выпуска


Группа Т. Ёндон: Математический метод анализа точки равной ломки

27-ого Сентября 2012


Краткое понятие дисперсионного анализа

27-ого Сентября 2012


Т. Ёндонский метод валовой и маржинальной прибыли

13-ого Сентября 2012


Елементарный абстраст корреляционного анализа

5-ого Сентября 2012


Наша исследовательская группа выпустила в свет очередную серию публикаций состоящих из 4 статьей[2], которые показаны в таблице 1. Выпуск в свет бесплатную публикацию есть  неоценимые и гуманитарные капиталовложения в другие, однако это может поддерживаться только тем, кто имеет знание и практические навыки в области образования и исследований.      Таблица1

               Мы рекомендуем обратить ваше внимание на статьи как “Т. Ёндонский метод валовой и маржинальной прибыли” так и “Группа Т. Ёндон: Математический метод анализа точки равной ломки” посредством чего мы иллюстровали то, как авторы лёгко и экстраординарно справились с найболее затруднительными задачами через необыкновенную методологию обоснованную на прикладных математических методах, которые разработаны и претворены в практическое применение в высших учевных заведениях с финансовым и бухгалтерским профилями. Общеизвестно что разработка и распространение новых идей в математическом моделировании экономики, статистики, финансов, зарплаты и бухгалтерского учёта итд засчёт собственных финансовых источников и интелектуальных сил независимыми исследователями являются трудной и головоломкой проблемами. Однако наша исследовательская группа последовательно  продолжала свою деятельность и открывала новые направления в финансовом анализе и аналитическом учёте и тем самым в их содержании и сфере в известной мере. В рамках вышеизложенных работ мы разработали и развивали более чем 50 математических моделей, выпустили около 10 современных учебников и брошюр в неменее 170 печатных страниц, содержание которых охватывает исследовательскую новую идею, совершенствование и нововведение, разработанные и развитые нашей независимой группой самостоятельно. Мы с благодарностью приглашаем всех, кто хочет познакомиться с крайне своеобразными методами анализа, которые открыты нашей небольшой группой , более того просим обращаться к под блоговым названием  “”; ”” а также к Google поискам:; и yondon tunteg| Linked in communication итд.

[1] All rights reserved for T. Yondon’s family team

[2] Авторское право относится к семейней группе Т. Ёндон

2.T.Yondon’s family team continu
es its new comprehensive ideas & innovations[1]

             Below have considered some points of created & developed with us new ideas & innovations in the scope of feasible key methods on the financial statement analysis; application of system of equations in the financial analysis; MANOVA; leverage analysis & more detailed reasoning of income statements etc.   Obviously creating new ideas is not the same as copying & translation from Internet or others’ textbooks without additional developments, so the first one requires rather more time, experience, intellectual skills & financial resources etc as for authors. Unfortunately dominates out-dated socialistic style on higher education targeted to convey others’ created knowledge to learners without additional processing by tutors, which seriously influences on development skills for students at higher education organizations (HEO) of finance & accounting. Haven’t perceptive changes & positive progress on economical education if compare it with socialistic learning by rote & irresponsible coping so far, although have passed more than 20 years, when country has transmitted to market oriented economy. Carries out ineffective & formality attestation or accreditation with 3-5 years intervals for HEO, but however it leads to conduct their activities outside administrative control during long period. Some HEO-s organize their entrance examination in up to 60 specialties, which rather more exceeds its training material & tutorial basis & it stipulates for low quality of academic knowledge & practical skills for the graduates. Except more than 100 state & private owned HEO-s incalculable academies, courses, centers & nongovernmental organizations (NGO) conduct temporary or 1-2 years training & exchange of students with the purpose of earn money by means of easiest way for the short period. Taking this situation into consideration we have continued serial of publications on sophistication & perfection of financial analyzing methodology based on applied mathematics. Pragmatical application of created & introduced new methodology has showed below through using empirical data in various updated & unusual versions of calculations. Herewith co-authors have realized in first feasible unique methods of analyzing on preparing income statement & furthermore discovered new resources in looking forward development of financial analysis integrated with mathematical & statistical approaches. Should emphasize that we have rendering full opportunities to free & comprehensive acquaintance with our humanitarian activities & also consider researching papers from all angles for all people, who really tries to develop, sophisticate, perfect, make change out-dated scope, contents & educating technology at universities & colleges, specialized for educating economists, statisticians, financial analysts & accountants etc.

              We wish to ask all readers to visit Google website under blog title as well as blog addresses tyondon-researcher;; & etc, in which  have placed so interesting analyzing methods on various topics of economics, econometrics, statistics, forecasting, finance, labor, solvency & accountancy based applied mathematics & mathematical statistics. By the way below showed some publications completed with us in the end of summer vacation, 2012.                Table1                                                                                                                                

Publication title

Issued date


Feasible key methods on the financial statement analysis



Application of system of equations in the financial analysis

8/11/ 2012


Two way analysis f variance(ANOVA & MANOVA)

8/15/ 2012


The leverage analysis

8/17/ 2012


How to prepare income statements

8/27/ 2012


Opportunity to use the matrix equation on wage cost forecasting

8/27/ 2012



[1] Copy rights belong to T.Yondon., Gombo Dariimaa., Yondon Erdembayar., Yondon Nasanbayar., Yondon Ariunbayar., Zesdorj Altanhuyag., & Davaasuren Saruul

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