

Request for a collaboration

Request for a collaboration

           I’m as initiator of Mongolian association of chartered financial analysts looking for foreign individuals & economic entities, which engages humanitarian activities in the field of creating, developing, sharing, teaching & outsourcing new ideas & innovations on financial statement analyzing & accounting modeling. Although passed not a few times from launching association’s activities we nearly haven’t achieved aimed goals, besides rises necessary to extend & make public  the scope & direction of its activities. Indeed we suffer some financial difficulties as we had conducted its advance preparation at own account, since 2004 I have issued along with my members of family in scope of association’s activities more than 10 textbooks & methodological materials in about 200 printer’s sheets, which based on applied mathematics and mathematical statistics as: cost & management accounting modeling, financial engineering, financial statement analyzing etc. In addition to I have created & developed more than 40 unique & extraordinary methods on financial analyzing & accounting modeling, which has opened prosperity direction to solve many puzzle & pending problems in modern accountancy. I have placed some of created & developed with me new ideas & innovated papers freely to everyone in English, Russian & Mongolian editions at internet communications under blog titles as or etc for sake of share our researching activities with all readers & Association’s members.  We will release & translate appropriate our researching materials into English or Russian editions for foreigners, who wish to acquaint with papers, textbooks, written by our co-authors, & suggested new ideas with us. If you would like to set up bilateral communication relationship, we kindly ask to forward mail to us at Linked in communications or at my e-mail address.  Indeed in development history of accountancy we primarily have discovered very unique & simply for pragmatically application methods in allocation, analyzing, forecasting & reporting of indirect (conversion) expenses by practicing as following: linear algebra, applications of definite integral calculus, stepwise elimination of variable factors, statistical index, drawing graphical illustration etc. Within the scope of activities of association for incoming period we have planned to conduct professional course for financiers, accounting analysts, & researchers on financial analyzing methods by hand of business statistics (multiple discriminant function analysis) in parallel with computer application program, SPSS 17.0, which will render pleasant opportunity to obtain same calculated an answer, & compare stepwise processes used on both methods. Main academic and practical lecturing will give directly by Prof. T.Yondon and under his supervising and consulting. We are registering independent researchers who would like to affiliate as members to Mongolian chartered financial analysts (CFA), nonprofit civil institution, which voluntary engages economics researching activities. We shall give necessary knowledge to members through giving lecture, implimenting development of outsourcing in financial analyzing, exchanging experiences among analysts, organizing science conferences & plenary researching discussion, dealing with stepwise training course, provision with necessary information, publication textbooks & methodological materials, delivering  professional advises, issuing periodical journal etc, who really wishes to possess unique techniques of analyzing. I’m willing to welcome individual person, members of any researching groups or representative of legal unities, who interested in working at Steering board of Mongolian association of chartered financial analysts. Do not hesitate applying to us, we are willing to share freely our wide experiences & many-sided knowledge in the line of financial analyzing & accounting modeling. I trust our collaboration will continue forward on behalf of development and innovation of financial and accounting significant problems.


. Сэтгэгдэл бичих . Найздаа илгээх


Миний тухай

It's kind of researching financial analyzing & accounting modeling.

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. Судалгаа,чадамжид суурилсан сургалт
. 2014-2015 онд Монголын дээд боловсролын шинэчлэлийн талаар бичсэн блог нийтлэлийн жагсаалт . The tentative list of blog posts of Mongolian higher education innovation for 2014-2015.
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. TS.Songuuli
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