

Т. Ёндон гэр бүлийнхээ гишүүдийн хамт сүүлийн 10 жилд боловсруулж, сургалтанд хэргэжүүлсэн шинэ санаа, шинэ сэдэл, санамсаргүй нээлтийн жагсаалт , Цувралын №7

Т. Ёндон гэр бүлийнхээ гишүүдийн хамт сүүлийн 10 жилд боловсруулж, сургалтанд хэргэжүүлсэн шинэ санаа, шинэ сэдэл, санамсаргүй нээлтийн жагсаалт[1], Цувралын 7

2004 оноос хойш гэр бүлийнхээ гишүүдийн хамтаар хэргэлээний математик, математикт суурилсан эдийн засаг, санхүү, нягтлан бодох бүртгэл (НББ)-ийн сургалтын цоо шинэ чиглэл, хандлагыг дэлхий дахины их, дээд сургууль (ИДС)-ийн сургалтанд хэрэгжүүлэхээр зорин ажилласан болно. Судлаачийн зорилго нь шинжлэх ухааны өөрийн бүтээсэн нээлтээрээ дэлхийд танигдаж, хүлээн зөвшөөрөгдөхөд оршдог учраас өөрсдийн бие дааж бүтээсэн шинэ санаа, шинэ мэдлэг, шинэ сэдэл, санамсаргүй нээлтийн заримаас Америк, Английн шилдэг их сургууль, мэргэшсэн судалгааны баг, алдартай компани, Дэлхийн Банк, ЮНЕСКО, The economist сэтгүүл, Дэлхийн эдийн засгийн чуулган , дэлхийн их сургуулиудын зэрэглэл тогтоодог байгууллага зэрэг шинжлэх ухаан, бизнесийн  байгууллагуудад нийгмийн сүлжээгээр хүргэж хэлэлцүүлсээр  ирлээ. Ингэснээрээ олон зуун жилийн түүхтэй, Нобелийн хэдэн арван эрдэмтнийг төрүүлсэн, материаллаг бааз, санхүүгийн хувьд бэхжсэн дэлхийн шилдэг их сургуулиудын хараахан хийж эхлээгүй ер бусын, гайхалтай шинэ санаа, шинэ мэдлэг, нээлтийг бүтээх ховорхон боломж Бидэнд тохиосон билээ. болон Tunteg Yondon-Google+ вэб сайтуудад мэдээллийн өгөгдлийн дэлгэрэнгүйг бичвэр ба Images хэлбэрээр байршуулсантай танилцахыг хүсье. Энэхүү хэсэгт Google web site-д бүртгэлийн tyondon-researcher;; блог хаягаар Images буюу Windows Photo Viewer дүрслэлийн хэлбэрээр  байршуулсан нийтэлүүдийг танилцуулж байна. Доорх Images -үүдэд эдийн засаг, санхүү, (НББ)-ийн бодлогын тавил тус бүрийг хоорондоо эрс ялгаатай 2-8 сонголтот хувилбараар бодож нэг зөв хариу шийдэлд хэрхэн хүрч байснаа илэрхийлэв. Нийтлэл тус бүрийн дотоод агуулга нь бие биетэйгээ харилцан давхардаагүй болно. Өнгөрсөн 10 жилд бие даасан судлаачид Бид нар орчин үеийн, өөрчлөгдөн шинэчлэгдсэн эдийн засаг, эконометрикс, статистик, санхүүгийн инженерчлэл, санхүүгийн менежмент, санхүүгийн шинжилгээ, татвар, хүний нөөц, банк, (НББ)-ийн 220 орчим шинэ санаа, шинэ мэдлэг, санамсаргүй нээлтийг бүтээж, дэлхийн шилдэг 10 -т багтдаг их сургуулиудад судлаачийн блог нийтлэлийн хэлбэрээр нийгмийн сүлжээ ашиглан нээлттэй хүргэж хэлэлцүүлсний хамт Монголын ИДС-ийн сургалтанд алхам алхмаар нэвтрүүлж байна. Эдгээр бүх блог нийтлэл дэлхийн алдартай эрдэмтэдийн Нийгмийн ухааны болон Шинжлэх ухааны түгээмэл толь бичиг (Cyclopaedia: or, An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences)-д байршсантайоор аялж Applications of integral in Economic Order Quantity хайлтын Web болон Images үр дүнгээс харах замаар танилцах боломжтой. Мөн дэлхийн алдартай олон их сургууль Бид нарын бүтээсэн шугаман алгебрийн лекцүүдийг сургалтандаа түгээмэл хэргэлдэг бөгөөд энэ ялдамд ганцхан жишээг иш татая. Хэрэв Та Algebra application linear problem-best ear health хайлтаар аялснаар олж авсан tyondon-researcher.blo гэсэн зургаа илүү тодоруулан харахыг хүсвэл Tyondon-researcher: Linear algebra application on behavior analysis of expenses, page 2 хэмээх хайлтыг нэмж хийхийг зөвлөж байна.   Blog posts as for the period from October 30, 2011 up to March 19, 2013. Table 1                                                                                       

Title of posts

Description of new ideas, innovations & breakthrough

Post date


Tyondons analyzing method of manufacturing overhead expense variances

·         The stepwise substitution method of variables associated with elements of linear algebra in some alternative versions of calculation combinations:

1.       Four-way variance

2.        Two-way variance

3.       Three-way variance-A

4.        Three-way variance-B etc

·         The compared approaches created by co-authors with traditional direct method of journal entries in both alternative variants




Tyondons family researching team: Practical application of Gini coefficient on taxation

·         For Gini coefficient calculation & sketching Lorentz curve diagram have been used:

1.       Least square method

2.       Exponential functions

3.       Definite integral compared with trapezoidal rule &

cumulative frequency of sum etc




Logarithmic application on money time value

·         Calculation of present money time value using logarithmic conversion in 3 alternative variants as compared with traditional direct methods:

1.       Present time value of common annuity

2.       Present time value of compound annuity in both alternative versions etc

·         Logarithm method on future money time value of an annuity as compared with traditional direct method 



Logarithmic application on computing long term liabilities

·         Calculation of present time value using logarithmic conversion with credit payment program



The service allocation & its  variance analysis

·         Algebra method associated with weighted approaches

·         Application of linear algebra

·         Stepwise substitution method of variables



Application of matrix on preparing balance sheet

·         Application of matrix  operation on preparing budgeted balance sheet

·         Application of differential calculus elements on preparing budgeted balance sheet




The serial of new ideas on Break-Even Point Analysis (BEPA)

·         Obtaining of break-even point through using following 5 independent approaches suggested & realized  by Yondon Erdembayar:

1.       Extended formula of linear equations

2.       System linear equations

3.       Mathematical attribute of plane geometry

4.       Least square method

5.       Linear algebra on matrix operations

10/22/ 2012


T. Yondons publication serial: Analysis of marginal costs

·         Application of stepwise substitution method in following cases:

·         In the determining  quantity variance of income for additional products

·         In the analysis of setting price for special order on products

10/04/ 2012


Mathematical approach on Break-Even Point Analysis (BEPA)

·         BEPA based on dependence of extended equations of cost &  revenue

·         Forecasting income per unit price via the income percent on unit cost of product

·          Forecasting income per unit price on the basis of price setting model

  9/27/ 2012


T. Yondons analyzing method of gross & marginal income

·          3 separate cases of gross & marginal income variances solved via stepwise substitution method of variables & algebraic polynomial collection in multiple variables associated with derivative on following directions:

1.       Variance affect of sales quantity

2.       Variance affect of sales price per unit product

3.       Variance affect of variable cost per unit product

4.       Variance affect of sales structure on income etc




Opportunity to use the matrix equation on wage cost forecasting

·         Application of Gaussian stepwise elimination method on matrix coefficients associated with system equations of linear algebra




How to prepare income statements

·         Processed & prepared feasible algorithmic scheme for computer programming of preparing income statement using simple equations:

1.       Conversion scheme of accrual basis income statement into cash basis by means of indirect method

2.       Conversion scheme of cash basis income statement into accrual basis by means of indirect method

3.       Conversion scheme of cash basis income statement into accrual basis by means of direct method





The leverage analysis

·         Leverage analysis based on linear algebra transformation:

1.       Degree of operation leverage

2.       Degree of financial leverage

3.       Degree of combined leverage




Application of system equations in the financial analysis

·         Application of Gaussian stepwise elimination method on matrix coefficients & linear algebra transformation




Feasible key methods on the financial statement analysis

·         Stepwise substitution method in case of many variables

·         Pragmatically application of differential calculus associated with 2 or 3 independent variables




Application of linear curve in behavior analysis

·         Application of following methods in behavior analysis:

1.       Parabolic curve

2.       Derivative of 1-st order

3.       Defined integral

4.       Matrix operation




Carrying out multiple discriminant analysis by means of hand method & SPSS 17.0

·         Probability of bankruptcy for the both groups of selected companies completed in both different methods:

1.       Results obtained by hand method

2.       Hand method results & answers as compared with  SPSS programming results

  7/ 05/



Application of learning curve in wage analysis

·         Application of learning curve in 4 alternative versions

·         Application of inverse linear equation & calculation as of correlation coefficient as well as autocorrelation coefficient




Application of exponential function in behavior cost analysis

·         Simple model of exponential function in an one variable

·         Extended multiple model of exponential function in rather more variables




Secondary school mathematics are helped us

·         Have been used following approaches in behavior cost analysis:

1.       Rule of Sarrus of matrix determinants

2.       Linear algebra on matrix operations

3.       Calculation of correlation coefficients in both alternative versions




Analysis of operation income., part 1

·         Income statement prepared under absorption costing only differ with fixed efficiency variance on manufacturing overhead expenses using inverse method of stepwise substitution of variables:

1.       Compared analysis on preparing net operating income statements as under variable costing & as well as absorption costing

2.       Calculation of fixed operation expenses (Selling & Administrative) in income statement prepared under variable costing  

·         Compared analysis on preparing net operating income statements as under variable costing & as well as absorption costing

·         Processed feasible algorithmic steps for computer programming of preparing operation income statement

  6/14 /2012


 Analysis of operation income., part 2

·         Income statement prepared under absorption costing only differ with fixed efficiency variance on controllable manufacturing overhead expenses & computing operation expenses, direct material & direct labor using inverse method of stepwise substitution of variables:

1.       Calculating variances of direct materials, direct labor & manufacturing overhead expenses

2.       Preparing as variable costing & as well as absorption costing net operating income statement

3.       Defining differences between variable & absorption costing net operating income by their comparison, & also verifying  correctness of them

·         Compared analysis on preparing net operating income statements as under variable costing & as well as absorption costing

·         Processed feasible algorithmic steps for computer programming of preparing the operation income statement


  6/28 / 2012


Analysis of operation income., part 3

·         Quarterly income statement prepares under absorption costing & variable costing in the beginning & ending inventories using inverse method of stepwise substitution of variables:

1.       Variable costing net operating income

2.       Absorption costing  net operating income

3.       Total differences of variable costing net operating income

·         Compared analysis on preparing quarterly net operating income statements as under variable costing & as well as absorption costing

·         Processed feasible algorithmic steps for computer programming of preparing the operation income statement

6/ 28/



T. Yondons analyzing method of overhead cost variance

·         The stepwise substitution method of variables associated with elements of linear algebra in some alternative versions of calculation combinations:

1.       Four-way variance

2.       Two-way variance

3.       Three-way variance-A

4.       Three-way variance-B etc

·         Summarized result via application of differential calculus

  6/ 25/



T.Yondons method of

operation costs analysis


·         The stepwise substitution method of variables associated with elements of linear algebra in some alternative versions of calculation combinations:

1.       Four-way variance

2.       Two-way variance

3.       Three-way variance-A

4.       Three-way variance-B etc

·         Pragmatically application of differential calculus



Linear algebra application on behavior analysis of expenses

·         Application of linear algebra approaches in case of:

1.       in a single variable

2.       in two or more variables

·         Gaussian stepwise elimination method of variables :

1.       in a single variable

2.       in two or more variables

·         Gaussian method based on linear algebra & matrix operations:

1.       in a single variable

3.       in two or more variables




Tentative syllabus of managerial accounting subjects

·         Popularly used following methods:

1.       Matrix operations

2.       Linear algebra

3.       Stepwise substitution method of variables

4.       Differential calculus

5.       Exponential functions

6.       Logarithmic transformation

7.       Derivative of 1-st order

8.       Definite integral

9.       Gaussian stepwise elimination method of variables etc





Speaking again about logarithmic application in time series

·         Used logarithmic transformation on finding  as of future value of a single amount & as well as present value of a single amount:

1.       i- rate of interest per period

2.       n-number of periods etc




Logarithmic application  on future value of an annuity

·         Determination of unknown dimensions i-rate of interest per period & n- number of periods  through using logarithmic conversion as for:

1.       Future value of a single amount

2.       Present value of a single amount




Tentative syllabus of cost accounting lectures

·         Popularly used following methods:

1.       Matrix operations

2.       Linear algebra

3.       Stepwise substitution method of variables

4.       Differential calculus

5.       Exponential functions

6.       Logarithmic transformation

7.       Derivative of 1-st order

8.       Gaussian stepwise elimination method of variables

10.   Dynamic behavior analysis

11.   System linear equations

12.   Property of plane analytic geometry

13.   Learning curve analysis

14.   Parabolic dependence on variables

15.   Elements of mathematical statistics & theory probability etc




Methods of setting up normative numbers of accountants

·         Classification of economic entities in accordance with their sizes & determining normative numbers of accountants in dependence on total workers & sales revenue :

1.       Normative numbers of accountants in the manner of dependence respected to total workers  

2.       Normative numbers of accountants in the manner of dependence respected to sales revenue  

3.       Normative numbers of accountants in the manner of dependence corresponded to both combined factors as total workers as well as sales revenue




Calculation of premium wage

·         Computation methodology on premium wage in dependence on inverse factor ratio index, application of probability notion, & saving concept of material costing

·           Comparable dynamic analysis via 3-5 empiric matched data as of output as well as wage expenditures to estimate business tendency & efficiency for long range period over the whole company by means of  determing average growth rate of above selected both showings & computing geometric mean of chain growth rate




How to rationalize the wage stimulation

·         Allocation methodology of funds for collective stimulation or joint responsibility for compensation between team workers & prize-competitors in accordance with their contribution made into collective labor result & collective valuables using methods: elements of weighted mean (scores) & inverse factor ratio index etc




T.Yondon & Gombo Dariimaa: Profit maximization method

·         Application of derivative of 1-st order

·          Mathematical conversions on linear equations of cost & revenue



T.Yondon & Gombo Dariimaa: Break-even point analysis

·         Used mathematical conversions on linear equations of cost & revenue:

1.       Unit cost analysis on unit income or losses

2.       Cost- volume- profit relationship analysis



Analysis of break-even point in time series dynamics suggested by Prof. T. Yondon & Gombo Dariimaa


·         Break-even point analysis processed in connection with time series dynamics via using logarithmic transformation in 5 different alternative variants as:

1.       i-rate of interest per period

2.       n- number of periods

3.       Break-even point in units per products



How could used mathematics at secondary school in accounting modeling? 

·         Application of plate geometric property on cost behavior analysis

·         Variance analysis of purchased & used materials by means of using stepwise substitution of variables & elements of statistical index method



Stepwise variance analysis of labor standard cost suggested by Prof. T. Yondon


·         Variance analysis of standard labor costs simultaneously in one tab from actual basis for both accounting period using following methods:

1.       Stepwise substitution of variables

2.       Differential calculus



Innovation in calculation of economic order quantity

·         Determination of economic order quantity via using linear equation & equation of curve associated with least  square method

·         Algebraic method associated with derivative of 1-st order & solving linear equations  



Analysis of marketing efficiency

·         Calculation of factors affected on marginal income by using stepwise substitution of variables

·         Computing affects on selling units through elements of mathematical statistics:

1)       Variance of selling structure.

2)       Variance of selling final quantity                            



What is newest idea in variance analysis of material standard costing

·         Application of statistical index

·         Application of differential calculus



Preparing budget of labor & manufacturing overhead using matrices

·         Calculated following costs via using matrix operations for 3 departments in the sections of technological stages:

1.       Direct labor cost

2.       Manufacturing overhead expenses as for indirect cost



Is nonsense or innovation?

·         Break-even point analysis made in 3 separate variants:

1.       Via cost & revenue equations

2.       In connection with future money time value

3.       In connection with present money time value



Application of matrices on process costing  accounting

·         Cost calculation of production transferred from one department to others or storage of finished goods made by using following  methods:

1.       Matrix operations

2.       Product cost of each department per units



Allocation of service department costs & their planning using linear algebra


·         Calculation & allocating interdepartmental service

costs provided to or received from tree or more service departments:

1.       Application of linear algebra

2.       Gaussian stepwise elimination method of variables



Logarithmic application in computing of long term liability

·         Traditional direct calculation method & credit payment program compared with logarithmic conversion method



Application of full costs matrices in expense allocation

·         Methodology of costs allocation for microeconomics financial analysis elaborated & created on the basis of macroeconomics behavior model which primarily developed by winner of Nobel Prize, V. Leontiev, & Russian scientist B.S. Nemchinov



Matched methods on cost allocation of service departments

·         Statistical weighted method associated with traditional step method

·         Algebraic method- weighted method

·         Linear algebra method

·         Gaussian stepwise elimination  method of variables



What is innovation on variance analysis of manufacturing overhead

·         Variance analysis simultaneously in one tab from actual basis for both accounting period using following methods:

1.       Stepwise substitution of variables

2.       Differential calculus

3.       Linear equations in two separate variants



How to explain taxation to learners at financial college

·         Determining sketcher plotting of Laffer curve obtained through application of following approaches:

1.       Parabolic equation to determine trend of curve

2.       Derivative to calculate maximum tax rate point

3.       Application of define integral to express rounded absolute volume of weighted  average tax



Elementary mathematics & college accounting

·         In order to separate & classify the mixed costs into both parts of elements: variable element & fixed element have used following methods:

1.       Plate geometry property

2.       Differential calculus

3.       Linear algebra

4.       Gaussian stepwise elimination method of variables

5.       Linear equation system etc




Allocation of service department costs & their planning using linear algebra

·         For the sake of interdepartmental service allocation used:

1.       Linear algebra

2.       Gaussian stepwise elimination method of variables




Accounting modeling in spending component & output assortment of materials

·         Stepwise substitution of variables

·         Algebraic polynomial collection as for multiple unknown variables



Innovation in calculation of economic order quantity

·         Average inventory cost & economic order quantity have found via solving linear equation of carrying cost & inverse equation of ordering cost & also using least square method on statistics



T. Yondons method on variance of  operation expenses

·         Variance analysis simultaneously in one tab from actual basis for both accounting period using following methods:

1.       Stepwise substitution of variables

2.       Differential calculus

3.       Linear equations in two separate variants



Differential calculus & management accounting analysis

·         Calculation of labor efficiency variance & labor rate variance by using of:

1.       Stepwise substitution of variables

2.       Differential calculus



[1] All rights reserved for Tyondon’s family researching team




. Сэтгэгдэл бичих . Найздаа илгээх


Миний тухай

It's kind of researching financial analyzing & accounting modeling.

Сүүлийн бичлэгүүд

. “Эдийн засгийн математик-Economical mathematics” сэдвээрх блог нийтлэлүүд
. Санхүүгийн мэргэжлийн шинжээчдийн сургалт
. Шинэлэг сургалт
. 2015.10.01-ээс сургалт эхэлнэ
. Математикт суурилсан санхүү, бүртгэлийн сургалт
. Сургалтын шинэ сайт нээгдлээ
. Шинэ сайт нээгдлээ
. Шинэ мэдлэг, шинэ санааг бие дааж хөгжүүлцгээе(Дю-Понтын шинжилгээ), бүтээе, Нийтлэл 37, Let’s self-create & self-develop new knowledge & new ideas (Du-Pont analysis) with text, Post 37
. Шинэ мэдлэг, шинэ санааг бие дааж хөгжүүлцгээе(Дю-Понтын шинжилгээ), бүтээе, Нийтлэл 37, Let’s self-create & self-develop new knowledge & new ideas (Du-Pont analysis), Post 37
. Судалгаа,чадамжид суурилсан сургалт
. 2014-2015 онд Монголын дээд боловсролын шинэчлэлийн талаар бичсэн блог нийтлэлийн жагсаалт . The tentative list of blog posts of Mongolian higher education innovation for 2014-2015.
. Хаана суралцах вэ? Нийтлэл 34, Where should study? Post 34
. 1 дүгээр дамжааны оюутан, Нийтлэл 33, First year student, Post 33
. Дадлагын ажил (ДА) ба нягтлан бодогчийн тооны норматив, нийтлэл 32; Instruction course & normative numbers of accountants”, post 32
. Монголын боловсролын шинэчлэл-Mongolian education innovation


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